Birth Story : Part 1

I’ve wanted to write our birth story for quite some time now. Initially I thought that I would share our birth story soon after Collins was born, but when I started trying to write about it, I just couldn’t find the words…it was more amazing than I ever thought possible! So, here I am again, trying to put words to what happened 4 months ago.

Newborn Photography by Alexandria Hope Photography

I woke up on Saturday, June 19th, hoping that would be the day. Collins’ due date was three days prior and I was feeling very ready. That morning, my mucous plug came out! I was so excited to see a sign that Collins was finally coming, but when I texted my midwife, she reminded me that it could still be a couple days. I’m sure you can imagine my disappointment thinking I could still have so long to go! I was having contractions on and off, but none of them were really consistent or intense enough to pay any attention to.

That evening, we had plans to go to a birthday party, but Joe suggested that I stay home and rest just in case. While they were gone, I listened to my Christian Hypnobirthing app and did the Miles Circuit. My contractions picked up while I was alone, but lo and behold, they basically stopped as soon as the kids got home.

I had read about other pregnancies where labor stalled because of the need to be “mom.” I had a feeling that because I was having a home birth, I would only go into labor once I knew my kids were taken care of. So Joe called his mom to see if the kids could stay. Wouldn’t you know it, as soon as we dropped off the big three, my contractions became regular again!

Part two coming soon



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