Birth Story: Part 3

After a brief feeling of relief from finally getting into the water, the contractions came roaring back. Joe was in front of me giving words of encouragement as I labored. By this time, I could not sit through a contraction, but instead had to be on my hands and knees while Ally applied counter-pressure. After each one I would recline back and try to rest. Playing in my mind on repeat was a part of one of my favorite songs, King of Kings:

Praise the Father

Praise the Son

Praise the Spirit

Three in one

I felt so close to God.

Alexandria Hope photography

This was the point when I thought, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” I remembered hearing that most women feel the same way during transition, but I hadn’t had any cervical checks, so I had absolutely no clue how far I had progressed. Transition is when your body is going from active labor to the second stage–pushing.

I had probably a handful of contractions in the tub before I felt my body push on its own–aka fetal ejection reflex–which got me feeling really excited. I was almost at the end of this marathon of labor to meet my sweet girl. I told Joe to go let the midwives know because they were taking a quick break in the kitchen/living room area. Their quiet presence was so calming. I knew my girl was almost earthside. I had never had a natural birth without coached pushing so I asked “Should I push?” My midwife answered the best way: “Just follow your body.”

At first I still tried to push on my own without following my body. I was so ready to hold her. I felt my water “pop” during the next push. Then I could feel her head. Oh man, she was so close. The next push, her head was out. I reached down and rubbed her head to let her know that mama was near.

Both midwives and the doula were telling Joe to look at her face. He was so shocked at how fast this part went that I remember it took him a minute for his brain to process what his eyes were seeing. Then, with the next contraction, she was born at 5:47am. There was a rush of emotion and all of the hard work had paid off. She was here. Joe’s first words were “She looks like Luke.” Immediately after he said that she let out a cry. She was so soft.

As soon as I could get out of the water, I got straight into my bed and cuddled my new baby and my husband. It was then I realized how magical birth really was!

click to read part one and part two

Thanks for being here,

xoxo Tia